It’s just like what Einstein once said: ‘Everything should be made as simple as possible’. Dress up the models with expensive dresses, jeans and shirts, then give them a pair of dream shoes and finalize it with the next-season-YSL Replica Handbags.
Taking selfie pictures is becoming an usual thing – upload it on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and there’s no bigger online collection of Selfies than on Instagram.
And because Selfie is already big thing on the internet, why bother to shoot complicated pictures for the ad campaign.
Well, how about in an abandon building where the stairs are populated with dust. But really, I like where we're going. Instead of heavily photoshopping the images, these look all-natural. It's like you have shot a picture of your friend using her iPhone. But that's the story. These clothes are for casual wear, you could just swap them and then go meet your friends.
A lot of these YSL Replica Handbags were already presented during the Spring Summer 2015 Runway, but the style is different – like the Petite Malle YSL Replica Handbagsg in new multicolor white, blue, yellow and black. Like the new Replica Chloe Bags in lipstick red, like the Alma Bag in different print of monogram. They are all stunning, which one did you like again?